Budget Committee
Victoria Carioba - Business Manager
Jovan Nikolic - Senator
Muntaka Fawziah - Senator
The duties of the Budget Committee will be:
1. To review all budgets presented to the Senate and present said budgets, along with recommendations, at a regular Senate meeting.
2. To accept, review, and present any special requests for funds to the Senate;
3. To conduct club allocations;
4. Following the aforementioned allocations, the Budget Committee is responsible to keep correspondence with the requestor to confirm all pertinent information, communicate the timeline of allocation events, and any other necessary details the requestor might need to know. Pertinent information includes, but is not limited to: if general assembly did or did not approve the allocation; the appeal process; when the allocation is transferred.
5. To prepare current reports for all Senate accounts and present to Senate by the third week of each 16- week semester.
6. To meet as determined by the Chairperson but at least once (1) a month;
7. The Budget Committee will be chaired by the Business Manager. No less than three (3) Senators will be appointed by the Executive Board