By-Laws Committee
Thyra Aguilar - Secretary
Mya Charles - Senator
Jacob Bloomer - Senator
KaVon Johnson - Senator
The duties of the By-Laws Committee will be:
1. To review the PSGA Constitution and By-Laws at the request of the Senate or membership;
2. To prepare any changes, revisions, or amendments to the above documents as mandated by Senate legislative action or petition of the membership;
3. To prepare adequate draft documents of revisions or amendments and assist in voting procedure for the entire membership of the PSGA to approve them;
4. To prepare and deliver copies of all revisions or amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws to the Senate Advisors for approval within one week of adoption by the Senate or within one week of approval by the PSGA by polled vote.
5. To meet as determined by the Chairperson but at least once (1) a month; The By-Laws Committee will be chaired by the PSGA Secretary. No less than three (3) Senators will be appointed by the Executive Board. By-Laws Committee will be filled after all other committees are filled and will serve as a semi-standing committee, where every member will be a member of at least one other committee, with exception of the PSGA secretary.